I'm trying my best.

Michael @nkrt

🏳️‍⚧️ Male

Joined on 9/16/23

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Posted by nkrt - 3 days ago

I am not going to post my work anymore, the shit I make is not worthy for a space with such amazing creators. If i'm not gonna post content theres no point in being on Newgrounds, so I'm abandoning this account also. I'm sorry to all of my friends and the people who have supported me, because I pretty much failed all of you, I enjoyed the shit I made while it lasted, now my art is just fucking slop. Hopefully a few of you guys liked my stuff or was inspired by it while I was still making it. I love you all.



no, i like your art, and newgrounds is a place for every artist, even people who draw horrible can be on newgrounds do upload their artwork, but you do you.

I'm not too familiar with this account, as I simply came from a review you posted. I've glossed over your art, and it's evident that you've been steadily improving. It's entirely alright if you'd like to take some time off to practice, as I see no point in giving up now. Your art is already pretty neat as is, so don't sweat it. Then again, I won't force you to continue posting art if you're not comfortable nor proud of it. Good luck.

See you in the other side of town :'(

farewell bestie neo, hopefully we can still talk over discord im upset that i have to see you go but if we never talk again im wishing you the best in life

it's a shame, I liked your art...
but, if you really think it's for the best, I won't stop you.

just know it's not worth it. your art is good, you don't need to compare yourself.

maype take a break from your art and try becoming a voice actor

this is so sad can i get 10 cry reacts

dont :(

No pls :(

Please don't leave newgrounds, you art is NOT shit. Your art puts a smile on people's faces. Please don't leave.

bruu I liked your content so much! It was bright and happy and colorful and unique! I liked ur artstyle too! But if you do really want to leave then I guess it's your choice.

(Also, this is probably too late of a comment)

I don't think you should not post your work; consistency is key to everything. I mean if it makes you feel better, my art is fucking shit, I hate it, but I still post it. But for you, your art is better and if you think it's slop, you should take a break and focus on practicing and then when you think it's better you should start posting here again.

Goodbye, old friend. I will miss you dearly. I enjoyed your art, and I wish you luck.

Welp, see u in discord.. ng is not the same w/out u...

WRONG, your stuff does belong here, you can’t just quit! Your stuff isn’t slop!

Please, you have to listen! Your stuff may look bad to you, but it isn’t to me, and possibly everyone else as well!

@Creeperforce24 I'm sorry. But everyone has to give up something sometimes. :'(

Well, I guess I can’t stop you though… I’ll miss you… thanks for everything nk

Have a great life…

@Creeperforce24 Make me proud! YOU GOT THIS NKRT!

now that you are gone, i think i'll start following you lol. not on purpose, though, i just found out about you. maybe just take a break instead of being so radical about it?

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